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ProgrammableWeb points me to yet another Google release!

It's very difficult to keep up with the world of public APIs and mashups — even for someone like me who is writing a book on the topic and teaching a course on the subject! Now that I have a bit more time to work on the topic, I turn now to being more assiduous in my reading of online news sources. My first priority is a consistent read of John Musser's ProgrammableWeb. I already make steady use of its database of APIs and often point others to the Mashup Dashboard when people ask me for concrete examples of mashups. Now I want to keep up with his blog. Today (April 20)'s post concerns Google AJAX Feed API, which is described thus by the Google documentation:

    With the AJAX Feed API, you can download any public Atom or RSS feed using only JavaScript, so you can easily mash up feeds with your content and other APIs like the Google Maps API.

Hmmm…I get to a detailed look at Chapter 4 next week on RSS and other feeds. I've written about Yahoo Pipes for remixing RSS. This Google AJAX widget demands a close look too! (Thanks, John, for alerting me to this new development! I also need to subscribe to Google AJAX Search API Blog in my news reader.)

Machine tagging in Flickr (and elsewhere?)

"Machine tags" (see Flickr: Discussing Machine tags in Flickr API) have been introduced into Flickr as generalization of things like geotagging. Machine tags are also known by many as "triple tags". These are tags with a specific syntax aimed primarily for "machine consumption" (that is, by programs) and not directly for display to the typical end-user. You can use machine values to store extra data elements for a given photo. I think that it's fair to say that most important example of such data has so far been the latitude and longitude associated with a photo. So important that Flickr ultimately introduced specialized functionality to handle this data, to take that data out of the realm of having people just shoehorning that info into tags.

I'd really like to know what uptake there has been on machine tags. I was hoping to be able to do searches for namespaces in use — but as I document below, I don't know how to formulate a query to do so.

Some kinks have been fixed in the Flickr machine tags:

Some outstanding issues remain:

  • missing negative values and decimals in the machine tag API. See yws-flickr : Message: Re: Machine Tag Bug – missing negative values and decimals?. When I do the a query for my pictures that use the geo: machine tag name space and ask for the machine tags, I get the "-" and "." stripped out. (I confirmed the problem on March 11 but as of April 19, I've no seen any resolution.)
  • no response to yws-flickr : Message: Re: Ladies and gentlemen : Machine tags. I'd love to have a whole set of query functionality, including being able to look up all domains in use. I know about "geo" but what others are being used — and with what frequency? For instance, we can pull up all the geo: machine tags by searching for "geo:" with the API call. See You will >500,000 photos under that domain. I tried variants on "geo:" to try to pull up all machine tags ("*:", "*", "*:*") but I couldn't find any that would get me all the machine tags….

What are the equivalent of machine tags in other systems? What to look at:

Mashup vs Remix

By the end of this week, I plan to post a draft of Chapter 1 ("Learning from a Study of Specific Mashups") for public comment. I'm a bit scared to do so since I see so many flaws in what I've written so far — and am wary of having even more pointed out by others! I also know, however, that the more intelligent and constructive feedback I get on my manuscript before the words get committed to print, the better it will be for me, the book, and ultimately my readers.

I currently have a sidebar that discusses nomenclature: specifically, what is the relationship among the word mashup and remixing in the context of my book — which is about "web mashups", the reuse and recombination of digital content. I'm tempted to just use the terms loosely and interchangeably and not to make a tight distinction between the terms. I'm not ready to go in that direction without taking another close look at the issue.

At this point, I am making some tentative conclusions, based largely on what I've read on the Wikipedia.

  • mashup and remix are terms that have their origin in popular music.
  • roughly speaking, a remix is a alternate version of a song while a mashup brings together elements of two or more songs.
  • there seems to be a tussle on the article on web mashups (technically, "Mashup (web application hybrid)") as to whether an application which is a mashup has to be "web application" or any type of "application".

At this point, I will say that if I wanted to make the parallels from popular music hold up for digital applications, I would use remix to talk about scenarios that are about reusing or repackaging data without combining it with other content (e.g., using the Flickr API to make a web page that has only Flickr images) while reserving mashups to refer to combinations of data from a variety of sources (e.g., combining Flickr photos with photos from Yahoo! photos). But the lines are fuzzy and, imho, not worth the effort to draw too carefully.

Chapter 8 on the programmable web browser, Javascript, and AJAX

Starting today, I will be writing much more often on this weblog to narrate the progress of my mashup book. The writing has been going well, but needless to say, there's so much more to do. This week, I am working on two fronts: cleaning up Chapter 1, an overview of mashups, and drafting, Chapter 8 on the programmable Web browser, Javascript, and AJAX. Although I am writing many, many words in a word processor — many of which I hope will make it into the final draft of my book, I long to write shorter pieces, which will facilitate the development of the book. That's why am I'm taking time out of the book to weblog a bit.

Let me tell you a bit about Chapter 8, whose working title is "Learning Ajax/JavaScript widgets and their APIs." In thinking about the chapter today, I realize that the big idea I want to get at is that the modern web browser is programmable and hence, is a rich platform for mashing up data and services. As a connoisseur of mashups, I would want to figure out all the different ways in which I could extend, change, subvert, and customize the web browser, which is the dominant client-side platform for exchanging information on the Internet. The possibilities are astounding for customization both in how a web server host communicates with others and how you as an end-user could process communications coming at you.

A specific example, and certainly not a surprising one, to cover in Chapter 8 is Google Maps, which I call (without great precision of wording) an Ajax widget. Ajax, because it involves the constant and fluid interchange of data between the browser and the server executed through JavaScript — and a widget because one can use Google maps without knowing all the inner workings of Ajax. That is, you can use it at a high level of abstraction. (I do use Google maps as a specific instance of Ajax widgets but I cover Google maps again in greater detail in other chapters to emphasize the mapping (functional) aspect of it — instead of the technical implementation part of it.)

Ajax is a rich subject, as can be seen in by the myriad books that have been published recently on the subject. I would like to put Ajax in the larger context of the programmable Web browser. Here I will admit to struggling with how to piece together a chapter that I believe should at least mention, if not plumb the depths of the following:

  • both how an "ideal" W3C DOM-standards compliant browser works and how various browsers actually work in various areas: how javascript is implemented, object models behavior, CSS, events, etc.
  • Javascript-based APIs, widgets such as Google maps — what are they, how to use any all.
  • non-browser environments for Javascript, such as Google Gadgets, Yahoo Widgets, Adobe Acrobat
  • extension mechanisms in browsers (Firefox addons, Safari , IE , Opera)
  • Javascript and browser debugging tools like Firebug
  • Javascript libraries: how they relate and what can be intermixed — and which ones are tied to which web programming frameworks.
  • what people have done already on all these fronts using Javascript and remixing the browser
  • how to write Javascript and Javascript widgets that can be reused by other people, including cross-platform Javascript
  • ideas of what you can do in terms of mashups

I obviously would not be to cover all these topics, nor should I even try! What I plan to actually cover as a way into this big list of topics is the following:

  • the lastest versions of Firefox, instead of looking in depth at all browers — old and new
  • the Yahoo UI Library, as a specific example of a packaged javascript library
  • a walk-through of how to use Firefox + Firebug / Javascript Shell + YUI Connection Manager
  • to build a Google Map example, as a way to get into Ajax widgets in general
  • how to build a basic AJAX call to Flickr
  • how to write a simple Greasemonkey script to lay the foundation of understanding Google Maps in Flickr , a major example in the book).

Notelets for 2007.03.15

For a long time, the Firebug extension would not display any CSS info. I fixed that problem last week:

I'm glad that Flickr has introduced Collections. (See my collections, for instance.) Pieces of the API are coming: Flickr Services: Flickr API: flickr.collections.getInfo — but it's not all there yet. ( yws-flickr : Collections). I was hoping, however, that the collections would also be able to contain other people's pictures.

Web 2.0 & Mashups: How People can Tap into the "Grid" for Fun & Profit » SlideShare is a good short presentation on mashups. Training, Tips, and Ideas is a blog with lots of tips on how to use OpenOfficeOrg more effectively.

I'd love to take in code4lib video for the 2007 conference. Sorry I couldn't make it since I had a blast that 2006 meeting.

Notelets for 2007.02.19

I may have to get in the business of parsing Excel spreadsheets, making use of information I find at's Documentation of the Microsoft Excel File Format Excel Versions 2, 3, 4, 5, 95, 97, 2000, XP, 2003 and sc: Spreadsheet ProjectMicrosoft Excel – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

QEDWiki is ready to try. Will it make mashups easier, even trivial, to create?

I just posted a query on the Flickr discussion group: WSDL from Flickr: unorthodox SOAP invocation?:

    I've been interested in generating WSDL from the Flickr reflection methods to generate a library that could better keep up with the changes in the Flickr APIs. However, I've run into a problem that stems from what I believe to be either unorthodox SOAP syntax in Flickr — or just the limitations in my own understanding of WSDL and SOAP.

Let's see what I hear back. sample query

I've written about geocoding using the Yahoo, Google, MapQuest, and Microsoft APIs but haven't mentioned yet. Here's a sample query: