This is a blog about a new book I wrote for Apress entitled Pro Web 2.0 Mashups: Remixing Data and Web services. The book was published on February 25, 2008. (You can order the print version at This book is a practical how-to on using Web 2.0 technologies to remix/reuse data, web services, and micro-applications to create hybrid applications. In other words, it aims to teach programmers and avid non-programmers how to create mashups.
I'll be releasing the entire book, free of charge, under a Creative Commons NC-SA license on this website. The book draws partially on a course I teach for the School of Information at UC Berkeley, "Mixing and Remixing Information".
Take a look at the current table of contents to get a feel of what I'm writing. One point about the book that I'd like to make: my goal is to make this materials as accessible to people who are not programmers but who might be enticed to tinker.
-Raymond Yee
Berkeley, CA
(raymondyee AT mashupguide DOT net)