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S3Ajax: creating buckets and uploading keys

Continuing on Mashup Guide :: listing keys with S3Ajax, here I present a Chickenfoot script to create a bucket and upload a file (specifically, it creates a bucket by the name of raymondyeetest and uploads a file (D:\Document\PersonalInfoRemixBook\examples\ch16\Exported Items.rdf from my WinXP machine) to the key exportitems.rdf in the bucket:


var AWSAccessKeyId = "[AWSAccessKeyId]";
var AWSSecretAccessKey = "[AWSSecretAccessKey]";

S3Ajax.URL = '';
S3Ajax.DEBUG = true;
S3Ajax.KEY_ID = AWSAccessKeyId;
S3Ajax.SECRET_KEY = AWSSecretAccessKey;

// function to read contents from a file

function read_file_contents(aFileURL) {

  var ios = Components.classes[";1"]
  var url = ios.newURI(aFileURL, null, null);

  if (!url || !url.schemeIs("file")) throw "Expected a file URL.";
  var bFile = url.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIFileURL).file;
  var istream = Components.classes[";1"]
  istream.init(bFile, -1, -1, false);
  var bstream = Components.classes[";1"]
  var bytes = bstream.readBytes(bstream.available());
  return bytes;


// create a bucket

var newBucketName = 'raymondyeetest';

S3Ajax.createBucket(newBucketName, function() {
    output("created a buicket: " + newBucketName);
}, function () {
      output ("error in createBucket");

// add a key to a bucket

var fileURL = 'file:///D:/Document/PersonalInfoRemixBook/examples/ch16/Exported%20Items.rdf'
var content = read_file_contents(fileURL);

S3Ajax.put(newBucketName , "exportitems.rdf", content,
       content_type: "application/xml; charset=UTF-8",
       meta:  {'creator':'Raymond Yee'},
       acl:    "public-read",
    function(req) {
        output("Upload succeeded");
    function(req, obj) {
        output("Upload failed");

A few things to note about this code:

  • read_file_contents() doesn't strike me as a terribly elegant way of reading contents from a file — but that's what I have working for now
  • a tricky part of getting this to work was to note that in FF 3.x,  charset=UTF-8 is automatically tacked on to content-type HTTP request header in a xmlhttprequest — I don't know how to change the charset or whether you can — and why UTF-8 is being tacked on.  But figuring out the charset was crucial to getting this working since the content-type HTTP header is used in the calculation of the Amazon S3 signature.

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